Busting DevSecOps Myths

Busting DevSecOps Myths

DevOps adoption is gathering rapid momentum, shaped by the ‘lingering’ experience of the pandemic. The annual global GitLab survey finds that for the first time DevOps teams are serious about its practice and are focusing on specific objectives to accelerate adoption. This has resulted in 60% of respondents releasing codes 2x faster than pre-pandemic rates, […]

Its Time to Beef up Your Cloud Security Posture

Its Time to Beef up Your Cloud Security Posture

Cloud security has always been a concern amongst businesses—a recent survey in the UK found 58% decision makers citing security as the number one barrier for Cloud adoption. Given that Cloud adoption has suddenly accelerated during the pandemic and many business-critical applications are running in the Cloud, the focus has shifted to how best to […]

Leveraging Citrix ADC for Secure Access to Applications

Leveraging Citrix ADC for Secure Access to Applications

The Covid pandemic has put the spotlight on remote access technologies once again. These technologies have existed for long but there is a renewed interest as enterprises make a scramble to facilitate remote and secure access to achieve business continuity. As things pan out, work from home is likely to be the new normal even […]

Citrix Analytics enables comprehensive enterprise security

How to Best Secure Data in AWS S3

Amazon S3 is one of its oldest services, immensely popular as a cost-effective storage option. Launched in 2006, it is an object storage and sharing service with a web interface, deeply embedded with applications across the Internet via API integrations. However, despite being one of the most secure services AWS S3 has frequently been hitting […]