You have unique advantages when hosting deployments on AWS. This includes the availability of an array of security applications in AWS marketplace, which are optimized for AWS. From firewalls to anti-virus and VPN solutions, AWS marketplace offers you security solutions for very specific needs. So what exactly is AWS Marketplace? AWS Marketplace is an online […]
Is the public cloud secure? There is widespread misunderstanding about the characteristics of public Cloud. Although you do not own public Cloud, there are standard security practices which make public Cloud secure to host and conduct sensitive business transactions. Although called Public Cloud, it is more secure than most deployments at customer premises. This is […]
Cloud DevOps is a culture, a practice, a delivery methodology that is rapidly gaining popularity in the IT world, enabling it to be a responsive tool—delivering benefits aligned with business reality. The concept itself is not new, as the theme is collaboration. IT practices—including agile development and service-oriented architecture—which promotes collaboration for an agile enterprise […]
Managed service providers take over the maintenance and administrative tasks from clients and ensure the smooth running of IT systems. This allows businesses to focus on critical things that have a larger impact such as innovating to launch new products and services, expanding business into new geographies or developing manpower. IT becomes an enabler helping […]
According to a study by Amazon Web Services, more than three-quarters (82%) of organizations have plans to leverage cloud-based services to some extent in the immediate future. Clearly, the cost, agility, and flexibility advantages are too apparent to ignore, particularly for tasks such as disaster recovery (DR). DR is essential because every organization is exposed […]