Migrating Microsoft SQL Database to AWS Cloud

Migrating Microsoft SQL Database to AWS Cloud

Managing database in traditional environment is getting increasingly more challenging as data output is growing at an exponential rate. Enterprises using traditional database systems are faced with scalability and performance issues as procurement methods are tedious and the need for over provisioning makes it expensive. Also, database have lot of manageability issues which require constant […]

The Business Value of Running Windows Workloads on AWS Cloud

The Business Value of Running Windows Workloads on AWS Cloud

“There is no compression algorithm for experience,” Andy Jassy AWS CEO The momentum to modernize Microsoft workloads by migrating to AWS Cloud is accelerating with 400% increase in the number of enterprise customers using EC2 for Windows server between 2015 and 2018. Reasons are not hard to discern—AWS Cloud has the longest experience of hosting […]

What is Cloud-Native DevOps

What is Cloud-Native DevOps

Technology evolution is a continuum wherein separate developments come together at different points in time to create unprecedented impact. Sometimes a technology maybe around for a long time and become popular only with the arrival of an enabling technology. Cloud-native DevOps falls under the second category—some of its key technology such as Containers, Dockers, Kubernetes […]

Governance, Risk and Compliance in Cloud

Governance, Risk and Compliance in Cloud

Achieving high level of governance risk and compliance (GRC) standards in the Cloud is necessary given the speed and scale it accords; hyper-connected business environment; and stringent regulatory imperatives. While GRC is used in the same breath each function is separate and forms the basis of a security architecture and operational processes. Governance provides the […]

How to Monitor Serverless Environment

How to Monitor Serverless Environment

Serverless is changing the computing paradigm ushering in new connotations for faster and better. It abstracts the application layer from the infrastructure by removing the host from the equation and reducing operational responsibilities. Due to its many benefits serverless has become popular in recent times. According to a New Stack survey in 2018, nearly 78% […]