Cloud should not be exclusive but an integral part of IT strategy

Benefits of AWS Landing Zone

Organizations using  AWS Cloud end up having several accounts for different purposes including the need to manage operations with separate accounts for different departments, deployments, new projects, functional requirements such as dev, test and production, etc. The reasons may be numerous but the underlying reason remains the same—operational efficiency which ironically is compromised as chaos […]

Managed Services Facilitate Cloud-Enabled Innovation

Noventiq Managed Services Facilitate Cloud-Enabled Innovation

As a certified Managed Service Provider (MSP) Noventiq brings deep understanding and expertise in managing AWS infrastructure allowing customers to focus on innovation. Each year We are adding new capabilities to help customers get the competitive edge. As an experienced MSP, we bring tremendous power and capability with automation—namely load balancing, auto-scaling, self-healing capabilities, automatic […]

Five Things to Avoid During Cloud Migration

Five Things to Avoid During Cloud Migration

Cloud adoption is rapidly gaining momentum with many businesses successfully transitioning complex enterprise applications to the Cloud. Noventiq has assisted more than 200 organizations move hundreds of enterprise applications to the Cloud during which we encountered myriad challenges, garnered experiences, gained insights and become wiser. Migration is a complex process which requires designing for scale; […]

Get Ready for Voice Assistants in Enterprises

Get Ready for Voice Assistants in Enterprises

Voice Assistants (VAs) are slowly but steadily making its way into enterprises. A survey conducted earlier this year across 500 IT professionals across organizations in North America and Europe found 40% large organizations will implement intelligent voice assistants or chatbots by 2019. Intelligent VAs are the next big frontier after smartphones. Advances in speech recognition […]