Cloud-Native App Dev is Cost-Effective, Scalable and Fast

Cloud-Native App Dev is Cost-Effective, Scalable and Fast

Cloud as a platform to develop applications offers unique advantages. This includes a secure environment which is quick and easily available. You do not waste time in setting up an infrastructure or invest in buying expensive hardware.

Cloud service providers take care of the underlying infrastructure, managing the day-to-day operations—ensuring performance, securing patches and installing updates. Cloud platforms scale easily, offers built-in redundancy and capability to automate extensively.

However developing applications for the Cloud requires understanding of developing at scale where automation plays a key role. Building architectures at scale requires expertise in concepts such as redundancy and fail-over. Noventiq is an experienced provider of Cloud application development helping organizations to design and build applications, re-platform and integrate them to achieve different business objectives using Cloud as a platform.

Some of the specific services Noventiq offers include:

Cloud-enabled application development: We leverage the unique properties of Cloud to deliver competitive advantage to its clients which includes speed-to-market, agility and cost-effectiveness.

Data Management: Managing inflow of data—storing, archiving and retrieving data at scale is challenging using traditional methods. We enables clients to achieve compliance and storage objectives easily and cost-effectively in the Cloud.

Analytics:  We facilitates clients to do complex analytics and gain business insights into data to discover new opportunities, identify threats and save money.

Custom cloud-application development and migration: Cloud application development is ideally suited for business applications which require scale or has unpredictable workloads. We builds applications to meet specific business goals quickly, cost-effective by taking advantage of Cloud platforms.

Cloud integration: We facilitates integration of SaaS-based applications with on-premise infrastructure and applications. These integration calls for complex skills and capabilities as often on-premise infrastructure has extensive legacy applications which need to be made cloud-ready.

Application Migration: Migrating existing applications to the Cloud requires due diligence to identify the application and make it cloud ready. We has helped organizations take applications to the Cloud, delivering scalability, agility and responsive ability to business environment.