Jumpstart Your Business with Digital Transformation

Jumpstart Your Business with Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation initiatives are on an overdrive globally accounting for an estimated 53% of total ICT spending by 2023, according to International Data Corporation. In the post Covid19 scenario this is likely to increase as digitalization becomes an imperative, more business activities go online, and companies learn to do more with less.

The need for business continuity is becoming a significant driver to adopt digital transformation as companies cope with the new reality of remote working—enable seamless collaboration among teams with secure access to enterprise resources.

This begs the question whether going digital is enough for organizations to survive and thrive. Examples abound of businesses migrating to the Cloud but not reaping its benefits after the initial burst. Digital transformation enables to achieve continuous benefits and companies must adopt a Cloud-native mindset and reorganize people, process and technology to automate decision-making such as infrastructure provisioning, scaling, continuous testing and integration using advanced architectures with containers, microservices and serverless. Truly transformed organizations have benefitted with increased profitability, lower costs, faster time-to-market and gained marketshare.

The Adaptable Enterprise with Digital Transformation

A comprehensive approach comprising future-facing business and technology initiatives—business transformation entails cultural and process changes while technology transformation requires deep capabilities that enable business to scale at speed; harness data to glean insights from real-time business; and leverage modern, scalable, extensible Web and mobile applications.

It empowers organizations to ask bold questions: how can we deliver better services without increasing cost; what else can we offer to enhance customer experience? These game-changing questions equip small companies to do more and emboldens established businesses to push the envelope and remain relevant.

Mostly questions revolve around the customer—our customers have successfully navigated the digital transformation journey by asking relevant questions to better engage with customers. A traditional brick-and-mortar healthcare diagnostic services provider embarked on digital transformation to expand its reach while enhancing service capabilities. A retail company traversed a different path to better understand customer preferences by gathering information and make personalized offers. Both worked backwards with the customer at the center to develop a technology roadmap that enabled continuous optimization and innovation.

Technologies that Underpin Digital Transformation

Cloud enabled digital transformation is characterized by high level of automation that ease the burden of “keeping the lights on’’ and enable to focus on innovation and expansion. Decisions are bold, quick and solid—based on data; and application architecture supports scalability and frequent experimentation. Specifically, technologies that power digital transformation include:

Cloud Adoption and Optimization: The transformation journey begins with migrating to the Cloud—inherent scalability, elasticity and on demand provisioning—to take advantage of Cloud-native foundation. Businesses can access massive computing resources at a moment’s notice to experiment, innovate or fail fast. Architecting with best practices that are aligned with business goals is a key requirement—sometimes it means calibrating competing goals so it is a continuous process of optimization.

Cloud-Native Applications: Enables organizations to be inherently flexible and responsive and deliver business value by continuously incorporating customer feedback. Powered by Cloud-native, these applications are highly scalable and performant—loosely coupled services using containerization and microservices architecture. This makes applications easy to develop & test, and enable separate development teams to build, deploy and scale services independently. Web and mobile applications must be highly performant, scalable and accessible across devices to deliver a wow customer experience.

Dealing with data deluge: Digitally-savvy organizations have a comprehensive data strategy that enables to mine the currency of the new economy—collecting data from multiple sources within and outside the organization, cleaning and transforming it and storing centrally where business users can easily access and consume. Data-driven organizations remain on top of the game by identifying opportunities, predicting demands and better understanding customer needs from piles of data.

DevOps Enablement: Equips organizations to seize the moment and raise the game at crucial times with well-orchestrated technology systems and processes that allows multiple teams to work in unison and churn out high-quality applications. Automated testing, release and roll-back processes facilitate more experimentation and ensure no costly mistake are made.

Digital transformation is a continuous process and you do not have to go it alone. Seeking the help of experts will significantly reduce the journey by providing access to institutional knowledge, assets and best practices. It will help you remain focused on your business objectives while leveraging the technical expertise and capabilities of your external partner.

Noventiq has partnered the digital transformation of many industry-leading organizations in retail, healthcare, education, manufacturing, e-commerce, logistics & distribution, media & entertainment and continue to facilitate continuous benefits with technology expertise, business understanding and experienced insights. If you would like to know more about our services of interested in embarking the digital transformation path, reach out to us.