Relevance of DevOps in Dynamic World

Relevance of DevOps in Dynamic World

Cloud DevOps is a culture, a practice, a delivery methodology that is rapidly gaining popularity in the IT world, enabling it to be a responsive tool—delivering benefits aligned with business reality. The concept itself is not new, as the theme is collaboration. IT practices—including agile development and service-oriented architecture—which promotes collaboration for an agile enterprise are getting entrenched, boosting the adoption momentum of DevOps in Cloud. It allows software developers and operations to collaborate in building, designing and improving new services; testing and validating codes; and releasing software more frequently, rapidly and accurately.

Simultaneously, the advent and popularity of cloud-based deployments have had a profound impact on business models. Concepts such as ‘failing fast’, ‘minimal viable products’ and ‘growth hacking’ are gaining currency. It is no longer enough to be fast and quick. Businesses have to be faster and quicker, and cater specifically to customer requirements. In fact the customer has become increasingly pivotal in defining the roadmap of business directions. Collaboration has become expansive and inclusive—customers, stakeholders and businesses are participating to identify and create new products and services.

The Cloud ecosystem has become supportive with the emergence of automation tools such as Chef and Puppet to facilitate quick deployments. Today adoption of Cloud DevOps practices is no longer an option but certainty for enterprises to keep pace with changing dynamics. It helps enterprises build and support resilient systems at scale—so adoption is not a question of “if” but “when”.

Yet, Cloud DevOps practices are underlined by philosophy, and not easy to adopt. It requires a cultural change, a systematic and disciplined approach for enterprises to gain its benefits. When enterprises adopt DevOps tools and practices without understanding the philosophy, it fails to reap optimum benefits.

Enterprises require expert guidance to wade into DevOps. At Noventiq we have proven methodologies and structured approaches based on agile philosophy. Many of our customers are reaping the benefits of adopting DevOps and gaining competitive advantage by being agile and responsive.