SalesPanda Leverages Umbrella AWS Managed Services for Growth

The rapid scale in the growth of the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry has been helping businesses small and big expand to new global markets heavily influencing business growth opportunities.

” The latest IDC report on global SaaS Market analysis projects that SaaS application revenue would grow to $302 billion by 2025.”

SalesPanda is an emerging SaaS provider, offering services across the globe and functions on multi-tenancy. They provide a SaaS enablement and acceleration platform leveraging digital reach. They help brands sell more by improving their sales productivity and performance. SalesPanda’s services are spread across various sectors like Finance, Insurance, Banking, IT, and Real Estate. The SaaS-based business primarily focuses on the Insurance, Mutual Funds, and Technology industries.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Published Date : 27-June-2022

SalesPanda’s Growth Challenges

SalesPanda is looking to grow substantially and were facing various challenges. To meet customer expectations and stay ahead of the competition, they needed to:
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Why SalesPanda Needed Managed Services

To achieve modernization at scale, and address these needs, SalesPanda was working initially with two partners. While the other partner was helping them with Managed Services, Noventiq was providing DevOps, rearchitecting, replatforming, and other services for automation, digital transformation, innovation, and their cloud journey.

SalesPanda, however, was facing various roadblocks working with two different partners to meet their growth goals. Some difficulties included integration, collaboration, determining a common agenda, and tracking progress.

To bring a sharper focus on their goals, and to consolidate efforts, SalesPanda decided to opt for a single robust partner with advanced technology skills. They found that Noventiq’s Managed Services came with a comprehensive range of services that would meet all their needs.

After choosing us, they were able to establish a strong infrastructure and ensure superior performance, high availability, continuous improvement, and cost optimization. Our Managed Services enable growth, scale, and security for emerging SaaS companies like SalesPanda as a highly reliable technology partner.

“ SalesPanda had to establish best practices for DevOps, security, managing changing workloads, and infrastructure and network management. Because they support a constantly changing industry, and global customers, they required a partner who could ensure a high level of compliance and reliability. They also needed someone who would stay current and help them with continuous optimization and improvement. And this is where Umbrella stepped in. ”
Gurprit Singh
CEO of Umbrella Infocare

Partnering With Noventiq for Growth

We worked with SalesPanda to completely rearchitect their environment at the infrastructure, application, network, and storage levels. We setup autoscaling, load balancers, and code pipeline and migrated the Database server to Amazon Aurora, all of which enabled speed and performance for their applications and data. With continuous monitoring, reports, and recommendations for improvements, Noventiq stays in step with SalesPanda’s AWS environment for quick remediation. We also helped implement security, best practices using AWS Security Hub, security assessment, Well-Architected review, and matched SalesPanda’s needs with the right set of AWS tools.

" We had a lot of debris in our cloud space, unused storage, and backup. Having a strong tech partner has helped us clean up and optimize under-utilized resources. This frees up my bandwidth by 20% and helps me focus more on business-critical tasks. ”
Samit Arora
Founder, SalesPanda

Benefits of Managed Services for SalesPanda

SalesPanda has also gained other distinct advantages:

The partnership journey for Managed Services has enabled SalesPanda to address its technology challenges with ease, simplify infrastructure and cloud management and focus on building revenue.