Cybex Achieves Superior Experience & Costs Savings
with Managed Services

Driving growth is the constant that businesses strive for whether big or small. Depending on the type of business, ensuring high availability, introducing new features and capabilities, scaling faster, and bringing the customer a seamless, omnichannel experience has become the undeniable path to take, aided by web and app modernization. 

Cybex brings deep insight into international markets and competitors with powerful data analysis software and a huge Export-Import database. The company collects data from various sources and offers various options to optimize the data for different purposes. With more than 20000 clients, Cybex provides data solutions to leading companies across the globe.

When Noventiq engaged with Cybex, they were looking to strengthen their market positioning and offer the best-in-class user experience on their web and app platforms. Cybex was also aiming to control costs while achieving superior quality and experience.

Published Date : 10-January-2023

01.Cybex Seeks to Enhance User Experience

Cybex’s focus is on data services. They have huge volumes of varied data that is used for different business purposes, and as their business grew, and they took on prominent clients, Cybex found themselves wanting to bring a consistent and high-quality experience across their web and mobile platforms that were on AWS. They wanted to:

02. Ensuring AWS Optimization with Managed Services

While Cybex had migrated to AWS cloud for app modernization, their team required expert guidance to understand the nuances and complexities of AWS, so that they could save on costs and resources while gaining efficiency. As a start-up, Cybex wanted their limited resources to focus on driving growth and innovation to stay ahead of the competition.
The huge data load and multiple user roles along with feature upgrades and the need to ensure a consistently good user experience prompted Cybex to opt for Managed Services.
Users access a large volume of data from the web and mobile app platforms. Therefore, speed, scalability, and high availability are a must for Cybex. Gaining the competitive edge was one of the key reasons for Cybex to move to AWS, and slow performance of the web or app would affect user experience.

Having understood these concerns, AWS Managed Services were setup for Cybex which ensures continuous monitoring, high performance, and security through the following solutions

Ensuring AWS Optimization with Managed Services

02. Superior Performance, Scalability & Efficiency for Cybex

AWS Managed Services brings a highly scalable, available, fast, and powerful web and app experience for users. It also aids in:

Cybex has resizable and secure compute capacity creating a smooth experience in usage-based billing. AWS makes it easier for customers to keep track of their costs, ensures that Cybex gets complete visibility into usage and billing and helps them smoothly manage the web and mobile platforms. Cybex is also able to easily handle fluctuating data demands across business types and geographies.

Cybex is able to optimize its AWS deployment for cost savings, have reliable compliance and governance, and gain from scale, stability, and operational efficiency.